The iPhone 5 will soon be available in India for a price tag of over Rs. 42,000. But for now making way for the iPhone 5, the prices of iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4S (its predecessors) has been reduced. The iPhone 4S that was selling for Rs. 44K will now be available for around Rs. 41k whereas the iPhone 4 with 8GB storage will be even cheaper at Rs. 28K from approx Rs. 38K.
The iPhone 3GS will now be selling at dirt cheap price and users should avoid it, because it is outdated and has been discontinued. The new iPhone 5 sails on iOS6 OS with double the computing power and is
available in 16, 32 and 64 GB variants. The iPhone 5 also comes with the new Retina display which seems to be much better than as compared with Samsung Galaxy S3. Other key features are an 8MP
rear – full auto focus camera with full HD recoding, a front camera (1.2 MP), Wi-Fi, 4G/3G/2G, Bluetooth and GPS.
It does come with proximity,
accelerometer, light and Gyro sensors. On a full charge you can talk for almost 8 hours. The expected price will be over Rs.
42K .
The iPhone 3GS will now be selling at dirt cheap price and users should avoid it, because it is outdated and has been discontinued. The new iPhone 5 sails on iOS6 OS with double the computing power and is
available in 16, 32 and 64 GB variants. The iPhone 5 also comes with the new Retina display which seems to be much better than as compared with Samsung Galaxy S3. Other key features are an 8MP
rear – full auto focus camera with full HD recoding, a front camera (1.2 MP), Wi-Fi, 4G/3G/2G, Bluetooth and GPS.
It does come with proximity,
accelerometer, light and Gyro sensors. On a full charge you can talk for almost 8 hours. The expected price will be over Rs.
42K .
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